Thursday, August 31, 2017

waffles yum yum

today i baked waffles for breakfast (of course i didn't share.) Sorry i only got one picture.
Pretty bad picture don't you think?

Monday, August 28, 2017

happy B,day spike

today is my brother's B,day. Yesterday was his party at a water park (i got him a video game and a handmade card) today is his actual birthday. I baked cupcakes wanna see em? yes? good because i put them here. Take a look:
I know they look like vanilla cupcakes with cream cheese frosting but there really lemon cupcakes with lemon frosting (my brother told me to do that flavor so i did) and of course those cute little red cherry's on top (: (and BTW we bought an ice cream cake. Yummy yum yum.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Whats new cupcake?

i haven't been posting because i haven't been baking. But i sure found something else to talk about (: !!!
the creators of Hello Cupcake Karen Tack & Alan Richardson presents Whats New Cupcake the book in the pics (sorry my cat's tail was in the way of the cover pic LOL). Find it at: Title wave books

Friday, August 4, 2017

Poop Emoji Mini's

today i made poop emoji mini's (mini cupcakes.) I was just going to make normal cupcakes until i saw candy eyes at the store. Talk about jackpot! I also bought black icing for the mouths. Heres a recipe (: { Ingredients: cupcakes, chocolate frosting, candy eyes, black icing,}
Step 1: Frost a cupcake. Step 2: Put on candy eyes. Step 3: Draw a mouth it can be a frowny face a happy one anything works.