Monday, October 30, 2017


i have an announcement to make.
I will be making this a gaming/cooking blog. I can't help it. If I'm gonna have a gaming/cooking youtube channel after my blog gets popular i'll need to make this a gaming/cooking blog, right?
Anyway i'll be starting to upload videos of me playing games like ROBLOX Minecraft etc.🎮🎮🎮🎮🎮

Saturday, October 14, 2017

peanut butter dog juice

Have you ever thought about giving your dog juice? Well i have the perfect recipe.
Its easy as 123.
{peanut butter                   }
{1 Tbsp lactose free milk }
{11/2 cups water               }
Step 1: Let all ingredients simmer on the stove.

Step 2: When the peanut butter is melty whisk the mixture together until it has a slight pinkish color.

Step 3: Let cool then give it to your dog (make sure to use a bowl thats not his/her water bowl.)


So not yummy. OK maybe to Gretchen (my dog) it is, but even she didn't seem interested.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


today I got dividers. OK i know your probably wondering what i'm talking about. I'll explain.
Dividers are theses things that you put in a cupcake pan and pour one flavor of batter into one section and another flavor into another section. Anyway i baked cupcakes with then and... IT WORKS.
Heres a recipe for chocolate and vanilla.

{vanilla batter     }
{chocolate batter }
{vanilla frosting  }
{sprinkles            }
{dividers              }
Step 1: Heat oven to 350.
Step 2: Put a divider in each slot in the pan.
Step 3:  Pour the chocolate batter into one section in the dividers.
Step 5: Pour the vanilla batter into another section in the dividers.
Step 6: Pull each divider out.
Step 7: Bake for 20-25 minutes.
Step 8: Eat!!!

Tadaaa!!! You now have chocolate vanilla cupcakes. Don't believe me? Heres proof.

A picture of a cupcake is worth 1000000 yummy's.
"Stay calm and cupcake on" (also NEVER add to much milk to your frosting... Lets just say i've "been there done that.")