Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Gingerbread House

Today i made a gingerbread 🏠. It was the first time i actually didn't ONLY do the decorating 😐😐. Anyway I can't really give out a recipe since it's a free-for-all with kits. But i can fill you in on the details. (By the way sorry if this is short. Its 8:53 so that makes it kinda hard to concentrate. I might put this is in a draft and finish it tomorrow to make it longer.) I was just being REALLY REALLY bored, when I saw the gingerbread kit just SITTING there... Forgotten... Sad... 😢... LoL. Anyways I made it right away *yaaaaawn* and it *Yaaaaaaawn* turned out *YAaaaAAaaaAAaaaawn* great. 😂😂😂😂. Here are the photos *Yaaaaawn* sorry I'm tired.

 BTW for all those people who love video games, I have a ROBLOX (a video game) band. If you are familiar with ROBLOX I hope you are in need of a band. Actually that wouldn't work because we STILL are working on our first song 😐😐😐😐.

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